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23 11:05:24

I have (2) 135 gallon tanks with one oscar in each at one year old they are now 10" and 12" i would like to know what size tank i would need (and i do realize it would need to be custom made) to be able to house BOTH of my oscars together they use to be together when smaller but with age and size came attitude. thank you

Lynn,   In my opinion, I would go at least 180 gallons. I had two pacu's lived well together in there for years. All about filtration, filtration, filtration. They both were about the size of a dinner plate. I learned not to put pleco's in there. One got stuck in Smitty's mouth and I had to cut his hard fins to get him out of his mouth killing it of course not to mention the cuts on my fingers and the holes in Smitty's cheeks but, they healed. Though I had a huge blue channel catfish for a cleanup crew. They have abit more growing to do and you can control that with feeding now that they have grown so nicely and normally without hurting them in any way. Don't forget their veggies. You can give them chunks of blanched zucchini or greens (mustard,collards,turnip) blanched a little to soften. Oh and never forget your frozen peas at least once a week to keep constipation problems down therefore preventing swimbladder infections. Good Luck, Tina