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Dying Albino Oscar

23 11:55:25

Hey there. I have a wonderful 120gal tank approx 8 yrs running with one 14" Albino, his buddy, another 14" tiger Oscar. Also 1 16" pleco. the albino has ben very lazy and lethergic lately and has been taken a terrible beating from the tiger. So bad that he is now "missing" a patch of scales (as in to the flesh). Is he going to make it through this? he has just recently began acting SUPER HEALTHY again, eating like crazy and just plain old acting normal. He just looks absolutley terribly with the tore apart body. Any advice? Thanks allot

Hi Gene,
 Oscars are very tough fish so there is a chance he will make it through. Missing scales can grow back but if the wound is down to the flesh you need to keep an eye out for secondary infections such as fungus, which might grow on the wound.   Most importantly, it is essential that he not be attacked again while he is recovering.  Is there any way to separate the fish or to provide some sort of hiding spot for the weaker fish?   Large pieces of ABS (black) pipe are good for this.  
Or, very large clay flowerpots can be useful -- I knock the bottom out of the pot and lie it on its side.

-- Ron
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