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Dwarf Gourami and Dwarf African Frogs

23 11:13:45


I have a dwarf gourami with a blister-like sore on the side of its mouth.  I know I need to treat it somehow; however, my 30-gallon tank also has Dwarf African Frogs, neon tetras, white clouds, zebra danios, oto-catfish and a couple clown loaches.  How do I treat the sore without harming the frogs?  They are the reason I have the aquarium - my husband gave me two frogs for Christmas and I wanted them in something larger and more natural....

Hi Deborah, well, I'm glad you are set on treating the Gourami. Sounds to me like it may be what's called Koi Pox. Or it could have a fungus from an injury which occurred at an earlier time. I would highly recommend you buy a 10 gallon tank and use it as a hospital tank. Most medicine doses are based around a specific amount of meds for each 10 gallons. Not only will the treatment not effect the other inhabitants in the 30 gallon, but you will also use a smaller amount of medicine in the 10 than you would in the 30. We both know meds are not cheap for fish. I believe this would benefit you in the long run. Think about it. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again. Good luck.