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Injured Koi

23 11:07:27

My Koi of 5yrs had disappeared from my 1000 Gal pond only to find that he was trapped under the connection pipe of the filter pump. I searched for him there but did not feel or see him until now 1 month later.  I'm just sick about it.  He is alive and for the past week I have been feeding him by hand. Problem: His body has curved from being around the pump and he is now unable to swim.  He lays on his side and attempts to move but is unable to stay upright. IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO???

Oh god, I'm so sad to hear about this, Pam.  I love my koi like kitties.  They are so tame!  How awful!

Well, let's get him out of the pond, first.

Take him and put him in a swimming pool with ample filtration and flow.  Spotless water will be very important to his recovery.

I would hand-care for him, personally, as you are doing.  It doesn't make sense that he can't straighten out.  I'd like you to add some antibiotic to his food.  Please go to the store and get some antibiotics.  Erythromycin is sold in fish stores.  Before feeding him, please take the food and mix it in a baggie with erythromycin, and it should stick to the food pretty well.  You also might consider un-bending him, and seeing if that helps.  Slowly un-bend the fish.  

I do have to tell you there are fish diseases which cause bending such as this. Tuberculosis is one.  It is a common mal-formation of the disease.  

Medication will help, either way...if the fish is going to recover.  I would also make the pool shallow, with much moss in it, to help steady him in a direct flow of water.  Perhaps a return pump pumping water toward his gills so he can breathe.  Moss would be a great way to keep him upright.