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newborn fry stuck together

23 11:29:57

I purchased a pair of Flowerhorn/Blood Parrots, and they began spawning as soon as I got them home.  I was clueless as to what was going on, and unprepared for eggs.  When I could tell the eggs were fertilized, I decided to move them to another tank.  The parents were fighting to the death.  They have hatched, but are kind of rolling around the bottom of a pot.  I don't know how to get the bad eggs out without injuring the others.  They look like they are either stuck to the pot, or stuck together.  I just noticed some blue/grey fluffy stuff stuck to some of the fry.  I can't see very well in the water (my eyes...), and I don't want to injure any fry if they stand a better chance just being left alone.  The water came from the parent tank, one air stone, one disposable underwater filter, and heater set at 78 degrees.

Hi TJ,
  Sorry for the delay in responding. No doubt the situation is resolved now. The best thing to do is to leave them alone. They will separate themselves from the "stuff".  

-- Ron C.
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