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tank upgrade affecting oscar attitude

23 11:45:24

QUESTION: i just switched my tiger oscar out of a 20 gal tank to a 100 gal tank and hes
acting scared or nervous some of the time ,he used to come to the glass all of
the time when i got close to the tank and wag his tail . hes doing a lot of
hunkering and sideways movements now and im a little worried about him
.''is that normal behavior after a tank upgrade ? '' the p.h levels are round 7
,temp 75 and plenty of circulation ,gravel and sum mopani wood . '' what do
you think ?

ANSWER: Hi Josh,
Have you checked your ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates level?  Has your tank cycled.  Ammonia, and nitrites should be zero, and the nitrates should be low.  This is very important.  If your tank did not cycle, you may lose him.
If your tank has cycled, and the ammonia, and nitrites are zero, and nitrates low, then he is getting use to his new home.  He should be much more happier in a big tank, as Oscars need big tanks to grow, and stay healthy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ammonia ,nitrites and nitrates are zero. iused 2 established biowheel filters
for his new tank and it was running for about two weeks before i put him in
there .hes eating now,at first he wasn't interested in food and ive put his
bubble bar in there for him which he seems to enjoy very much .     thank you
for getting back to me so fast .  

Hi Josh,
He is getting use to his new home.  He will love it for sure.  Having been in a 20 gallon, and then put in a 100 gallon was as if he had just won the lottery!!  lol  He was stunned, and will be much happier, and you will surely see this in his behavior.  I love Oscars, they are so intelligent.  I just want to mention incase you don't know, never feed him feeder fish, as they have no nutritional value, and are mostly always full of disease.  Buy him crickets at your pet store instead.  The crickets are raised so there is no danger in the ones we buy.  Also you could feed him earthworms that you buy at the bait store.  These too are safe as we know they have no pesticides in them.  Minnows bought at the pet store which are not smoked, the regular kind are also a good source of food for him.  Clean the worms first by putting them in oats for about one week.  These are excellent to give to your Oscar now, and then.  Also feed him unfrozen cooked peas with the first layer removed once a week.  On the day you feed him peas, feed him nothing else.  This will help him clean out his system, and avoid Swim Bladder Disease.  Swim Bladder is caused by poor diet, and overfeeding which leads to constipation.  It often goes unnoticed, and is very hard to cure once the fish as this disease because it leads to other diseases, so it is better to prevent this from happening.  Vary his diet, and he will be healthy, and strong.  Clean water, and a good menu, prevent all kinds of disease.
Thank you for letting me know that he is doing.