Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > wound on fllower horn mouth

wound on fllower horn mouth

23 11:09:43

QUESTION: I have a flower horn developing wound like features around its mouth.I need a cure and the name of it.

ANSWER: Praveen,

I would love to help you but I need information. What does the wound look like? What are your water readings? How long has it been that way? Have you done anything different? Are there decorations in the tank with the fish? As soon as you get back to me the sooner I can help you. A picture of the fish would help out greatly.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I think its fungus developed in his mouth and about water I changed on weekly basis i.e 25% of water is changed in every week.
Sorry I can's upload the photo now there is some issue with my system

Please help me with some medicine name at the earliest because the condition of fish is getting worsed.


Sounds like Mouth fungus.

Add Aquarium Salt to your tank.
Adding Jungle Labs Fungus Eliminator will also help.
Be sure to treat the whole tank, but quarantine the most seriously ill fish.

Causes & Symptoms

This condition is caused by Saproglenia and other related bacteria.
Bad water quality only causes these kinds of bacteria to thrive.
Sudden changes in the water condition can also cause this condition in your fish.
If your fish has this condition, you will notice cotton like tufts at the mouth.
You may also notice your fish losing weight.

Preventive measures:

Change your water regularly.
Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.
Avoid cross-tank contamination.