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Oscar Eating Question

23 14:49:53

A 3/4" Cory Cat was put in my Oscar tank by mistake. The 3" Oscar ate the Cory a couple of days ago and still has the tail of the fish sticking out of his mouth. Do you think I need to be concerned?

HI Blake,
 Yes you should be concerned but there isn't anything you can do about it.  The catfish has strong spines in its dorsal fin and pectoral fins (the fins on the top and side) and these are going to keep it lodged in place until it basically breaks down after the cory dies.  If it looks
like it the cory is just in the oscar's mouth a little you might consider trying to get it out but it is going to be very tricky because of the spines.  In most cases, I suggest just waiting it out.

-- Ron
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