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need help

23 14:28:03

hey my friend got me a beta after her beta dies, i got it for her, for her B-day. anyway she supervised me with this beta, but she said that she had cleaned the tank well before putting him in,(i got him 5 days ago) hes not eating (hasn't really eaten since i got him), laying at the bottom of the bowl, weird things like that, my mom used to compete in beta shows and i showed him to her, and she said that he looked thin. so i got him some beefheart, and hes not eating that either, him kinda just thinking that my friend got me a sick fish, but I've done everything to help make him live. what should i do?

You need to find out if that friend wash the tank with soap. If she did, you need to find a new tank because the chemical is slowly killing your fish. What type of food were you originally feeding him? Try Freeze Dried bloodworms or brine shrimp. Betta love those.
