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whats wrong with my fish

23 14:28:03

one of my friends gave me two gold fish and a algae eater in a ten gallon tank i change the filter to a aqua tech power filter . and change the water added tetra aqua waited 24 hours than put the fish back in the tank i don't know what going on but the water is turning orange quick what should i do?

Hi Waynetta,
 I have never heard of the water turning "orange".  That is very peculiar.   

 When you have fish in a tank, you shouldn't take them out to change the water.  You should leave the fish in, remove about 25% of the water and replace that water.  There are important bacteria that live in a fish tank and you never want to "clean them all out" -- that is very unhealthy for a fish tank.  

-- Ron
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