Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > female betta might be dying the way my last male betta did?

female betta might be dying the way my last male betta did?

23 14:48:56

I have 4 female bettas in a 10 gal tank and I think one(crayola) is dying. The water is clean, all the levels are fine, she shows no rot or bleeding. She sits at the bottom of the tank face down slightly on one side and the goes to the top for air then goes right back down only to spit out the air bubble. I have taken her out of the main tank and put her in the bowl she came in(it's not that small)to keep it from going to the others I have given her quick cure and fungus cure but she is turning more onto her side. her fins do seem to be getting more clear in stead of the color they were. I feed them freeze dried boold worms and some floating pellets. They stay at 78-80 degrees all the time....I don't know whats wrong. I had a male betta named Zen that died the same way but it took him 10 days, it's only been 8hrs for Crayola and she is as bad as he was on the 9th day. HELP please!!


Hi Ashley,
This could be a fish dieing of old age. I don't have enough details to diagnose it though. (feel free to e-mail me more details.)
This could be swim blatter problems which means she could still live but not be able to swim well. What I noticed what happens to beta a lot though is not only stress but also when they fight they make the other fish weaker then they die.
I hope I helped,