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possible sick cleaner fish

23 11:14:51

QUESTION: Hi Jaymie.
I have a algae eater (I can not spell nor pronounce it's name - starts with a P and reminds me of a dinosaur!). He(?) is almost 6 yrs old and has been with a koi in a 40 gallon tank for as long as I have had him. Nothing seems to have changed, but this morning he's not very active. He will usually swim to hide in his cave as soon as anyone comes near the tank. Today - he just lies there. I thought he was dead at first, but he has moved a bit. He does not have any noticable ulcers or other problems. Is there any illness that comes to mind that might be the problem, or am I looking at a fish just getting old? (How long do they tend to live anyways?)

ANSWER: Lawana,

 I will assume you have a Plecostomus, or also known as pleco. For starters, the tank is too small for both fish. The pleco needs a minimum of 55 gallons. In that tank his growth will be stunted. His body will stop growing, but his internal organs won't. I think that if you place him in a larger tank, he might get better. What are you feeding him? Have you moved the tank lately? Have you sprayed any air freshener or paint the room or anything along those lines? How big is he now? They can live 10 to 12 years with some living even longer. I think that when you get back to me with the answers to my questions, we might be able to figure out what's wrong with him. I will wait to hear back from you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Yes! That is what he is. :) Wow. I knew they both could be stunted, but did not realize the internal would keep growing! Yikes! I will be looking for a bigger tank. To answer your questions: I've been feeding them Wardley Goldfish flakes - what I've been feeding them for the past 6 yrs. It's been over a year since the tank was moved. No air fresheners, paints, or anything like. He is about 7 -8 in long.


Ok, glad you are looking into a new tank. Also, i would stop feeding the pleco goldfish flakes and start feeding him algae wafers. They are made for the algae eaters. You can drop one down right where he is. They sink so that the pleco can get to it. The goldfish might nibble on it and that's ok, but the pleco needs food. He is also getting older and us old fish needs special care and food. I hope this helps.