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veil angel fry

23 14:36:56

I have 2 veil angel fish.  I have had them for almost 1 year.  Feb 27th I notice eggs on my filter.  At first they were great parents, keeping all the other fish away then, one day I notice the parents were eating the eggs.  I managed to get the ones left off the filter.  I put them in a baby fish net that hangs in the tank.  As they grew and became free swimming, I notice the other fish were sucking them through the net.  I now  only have five still alive.  i have set up a 10gal tank to put them in.  I placed one in there one night and the next morning he was gone.  i think the filter got him.  My question is until they get some size on them,  how do you protect them and what do you feed them?  I purchased something called First Bites.  Is this OK?  What about the brine shrimp?  When should they eat them?  They are still so small, even after  all this time.  Thank you for any advice  on how to keep the five I have alive.

Hi Lisa,
 One of the problems with angelfish is that they have been bred in captivity for so long that their parental skills are often not very good compared to other cichlids.  

 The fry are very tiny but they should be able to eat baby brine shrimp.  If not, the other alternative is to use one of the products like "Liqui-fry" which basically puts very tiny microorganisms in the water for the fry to feed on.  
I am not familiar with "First Bites" but it might be the same sort of thing.  

 An alternative is to put a bucket of water outside for a few days and let the water go "green" with algae and microorganisms, then feed some of that to the fry.  You have to be very careful not to breed a bunch of mosquitos or other unwanted creatures if you go this route.

 I only use sponge filters in tanks with fry to avoid the fry getting sucked in by the filter.  

-- Ron
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