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surviving attack

23 14:26:22

Hi Jody,
I have an outdoor pond and 2 of my 21 fish have been attacked by a raccoon but managed to get away. The first fish took about one day to recover after lying on the bottom. He is missing a few scales but is swimming and eating fine. However the second fish has been lying on the bottom on his side for three days. When we touch him with a net he swims very well, then returns to bottom sideling. He has also developed what looks like algae or a fungus to the area attacked. It is fuzzy looking and kind of a greenish black color. Scales are missing here. I'm worried that what ever is growing on him my hurt the rest of my fish. Any ideas what this may be and how I can take care of it?

Hi Becky, it sounds like your fish is in bad shape. I think he might have a fungal disease which has become infected, you can hopefully help him by adding some all round fungal solution (my favorite brand is Wardley Fungus Ade) follow the directions and add it to your pond. I think that will do the trick for your sick fish (make sure you either separate the sick fish from the pond or get the solution fast to prevent his infection spreading), hopefully after adding the solution he will become more lively and enthusiastic. To prevent animals from getting into your pond i would recommend fitting some chicken wire on top of the pond to that animals such as raccoons, cats, dogs etc can not get in. I hope that i gave you some good advise, let me know how your fish is doing after the treatment. Thanks Becky and goof luck!