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my beta fish is very ill

23 14:21:58

hi, a few days ago i noticed that my beta fish, Jaws, was not eating like he used to. then one day i woke up and found him little body had turned into a sort of s shape. his fins are close to his body and when he is disturbed, he shakes in the water. almost like a small fish seizure. i know it sounds weird but i am really worried and scared. i don't want to injure him further. i've called a few pet stores and vets but they don't seem to take me seriously. do you have any advice on what i could do?

This sounds very serious, but I can't really determine the problem so I'm going to ask you some questions about him.

Does he have any spots, strings, or white clouds on his body?
Cuts or bloated areas?
How often do you change his water?
Are his gills flared out and red?
Do you use a water conditioner before you add the fish after a water change?
What decorations are in the tank?
Where do you get your water from?

What you can do in the meantime is go to your pet store and buy some Melafix or Pimafix. Its a nice broad antibiotic you can try. (PLEASE follow dose instructions)Also, keep him warm, get a small heater for the tank or put him in a warm room. Heat is extremely good for the recovery of a fish due to illness.

The better you can answer my questions the easier time i can help you narrow down the problem so we can target him with different medicine if needed. It could be bacteria, fungus or even poison from something in his water. If you can, send me a picture of him to my email also.