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my gold fis is sick

23 14:21:57

My goldfish keeps floating to the top of the tank and can hardly swim back down, its clearly exhausting it and i'm worried it will die. What can I do?

Rebecca,                                                     Goldfish are notoriously long lived if kept well. It sounds like he may have a swimbladder infection. Very common. Lets add a broad spectrum antibiotic to his tank. Tetracycline, Take out your carbon and after a week 25% water change and new carbon. After this give him a frozen pea squeezed between your fingers once a week it will prevent this from happening again. I am all about natural.... no chemicals if possible. Also, you can get a veggie clip from your local pet shop and give him a thin slice of orange with the rind cut off from one side so he can eat it once a week. He will love you for it  Good Luck,Tina