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Regarding salt and bettas

23 11:47:23

Hi. I have a betta in a 10 gallon heated tank. I want to know how much salt and how often to add to the aquarium? Thanks Linda

Hi Linda,
Add two teaspoons of diluted aquarium salt to his water, and add accordingly to each water change.  If you change 2 gallons of water, then add 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
However if you should ever notice that your betta's tummy is swollen discontinue the salt as he may have Swim Bladder Disease.  This disease is caused by overfeeding which leads to constipation, then to Swim Bladder.  Bettas are prone to this disease, which is the reason why I am telling you this.  Always feed him a small amount of food 2-3 times a day.  Two pellets for one meal is enough, and vary his diet.  He should fast once a week, and on that day, give him a cooked frozen pea with the outer layer removed.  Cut the pea into small pieces, and feed it to him one piece at a time, making sure he eats it, and that it doesn't fall to the bottom of the tank.  Give him nothing else to eat.  This way you will avoid SBD, and the Betta will clean out his system.
Have a nice day.