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postpartum guppie mom death

23 13:55:24

I have had three guppie moms die within a week of delivery. The babies are fine and healthy but I can't seem to keep a mom alive. Since this has happened three times I am staring to think I'm doing something wrong. Help!

Guppys are weak after they give birth, you must feed them well...before, and after they give birth. Seeing as they have no noticeable disease on their bodies, I am thinking that it could be your water quality.  You must do water changes every week, and add a good water conditioner to remove any trace of chlorine etc.  25% of water should be changed every week. It is also important to do water changes for the fry.  Also, you may add 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt to 5 gallons of water.  Iron, and metals in your aquarium could kill guppys, so if you have any decorations with these metals, you should remove them.
Hope this helps