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EMERGENCY!!! Injured betta!!!

23 14:02:57

okay, i know you said nothing about bettas, but i got a new betta today from petsmart, and i put him in my sister's tank (also from petsmart) that she used to use for her goldfish until she got a bigger tank. the tank was a part of a kit, and it came with a pump. after my betta was in the water, he seemed to be doing quite well for the first few hours. then i was cleaning up my room, so i was a bit preoccupied. after what was probably thirty minutes, i glanced back at the tank to find that my male betta's lower fin (well, kind of a strand of it...) was stuck in the intake of the pump! i immediately turned off the pump (which had been on full power) and my dad managed to get my betta unstuck, but his fin that had been stuck was...well, i suppose it was sort of seperated, and almost tangled. i am very concerned for my betta, because after the incedent, he wasn't swimming around very much at all. i mean, he's still alive and all, but he's very inactive at the moment. please get back to me as soon as possible, as this is very frightening for me! thank you very much.

Hi Kristina,
  Bettas come from very still waters so they don't do well with powerful pumps.  

  The good news is that if it is only his fin that is tattered, it will likely grow back fine.  

-- Ron
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