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flower keeps changing color constantly

23 11:45:00

dear Ron,
i have recently purchased a 6 inch flowerhorn with good hump,but when i put it in my fish tank it keeps changing colors every minute from bright pink to dark black and viceversa.I changed the water but no use,It does not stay in a single color it keeps changing every instant.Its been a week since i bought the flowerhorn,So please kindly help me on this regard as i am new to flowerhorn.And also it has a poor appetite that is it bites and leaves the food most of the time.Thank you

Hi Alagappan,
 Flowerhorns, like most cichlids, frequently change color. That is the way that they are.  It is a fish, i.e., a living animal, not a decoration. It uses color to express how it is feeling.

-- Ron
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