Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > jack dempsey fish sickness

jack dempsey fish sickness

23 11:45:00

ive had this jack dempsey for 4 yrs couple weeks ago i noticed his stomach or sides now both have puffed up like hes going to explode...hes swimmin fine and eating but i have no idea what to this a disease typical to jack's

Hi Bill;

Usually fish that are sick with bloating or constipation will act like they are sick. They would be lethargic, stop eating, etc. It's possible your fish is a female with eggs but they don't usually swell to an extreme size. The only other thing I can think of is a tumor. In that case there's really nothing you can do. Wish I could help more. I hope he (or she) turns out okay...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins