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freshwater angelfish disease

23 14:03:02

Mr. Kline...I have a hundred gallon aquarium with large angelfish and community is planted and has three filtering systems...i do a forty percent water change every four days.

i have beautiful angelfish that has popeye and a distended stomach...she wont eat.  i have tried two medications for internal parasites which did nothing. any suggestions on treatment.

My first suggestion is to remove that angelfish from the tank so your other fish have a rare chance of getting its illness. My second suggestion is to try some melafix as I have had a good experience with that chemical. My third suggestion is trying a salt bath as this will help with the infection of the eye. Depends on how big of a container you use to put the angel in for the salt bath so I can not give a recommended salt value as it may be wrong. Have a nice day and hope things get better!