Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Sick or Dying Beta ?

Sick or Dying Beta ?

23 15:08:43

My Beta lives in about a one gallon vase.  I have had him nearly 1.5 years.  In the past week I have noticed that he is changing colors to a dull dark grey from his face to almost his middle.  His stomach is also pretty swollen.  He's not too interested in food anymore and kinda sticks himself in the plants.  

If he is dying - what is the best way to hurry the process...freezer?  fridge?  flush?

Thanks - I don't want him suffering.

Hi Sue;

He is constipated so all may not be lost after all. Clean his vase and add a small pinch of epsom salt. Just normal epsom salt found in the local drug or grocery store. Feed him tiny pieces of cooked peas, if he will eat at all. Keep him in a very warm place so he has a chance to recover.

Hoping for the best.....

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Chris Robbins

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