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Swollen oscar

23 14:47:12


I have an albino oscar named Abby.  She is two years old and about 5-6 inches long.  For about 3 weeks now she has been swimming on her side and just recently a bulge has appeared on her left side.  She is still eating and other then swimming funny she is still active.  I have another Oscar in the tank with her and a phycostomus as well as a gold fish.  Any help you have as to what the problem is and how to fix it would be great since she is the only one that seems to be having a problem.  Thank you for your time.


Hi Twyla,
  Unfortunately, that doesn't sound good for Abby.  If it is only on one side, that suggests that she has a tumor and there really isn't anything you can do about that.  Sorry.  If it was even on each side, it might indicate that she had some sort of intestinal problem, in which case I would suggest trying to feed her some thawed frozen peas as a way to clear out her digestive tract.  

-- Ron
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