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Turtle and fish

23 14:26:41

QUESTION: I am planning on getting a red eared slider turtle and I also want tetra (fish) do you think it would be ok if I kept my turtle and my tetra in the same tank?

ANSWER: no as first of all the turtle may eat the tetra. Another is that the turtle need not as high of a depth as a tetra does. All in all they should not go together.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is there any turtle that is about 6" or smaller that would be ok with tetra? Also is there any fish that would do ok with a red eared slider turtle? What are my options if I want fish and a turtle that is about 6" or smaller in the same tank?

Im sure there is a turtle that is small like that but I would not know as I work with fish, if you like I can ask my grandfather who works at reptile land and Im sure he would know. Now the fish part. All I can really think of is goldfish, they are cold water as a turtle is and they also are cheap in case they are eaten. So its a case of yes it would work but not for the best. If you would like me to get back to you with the turtle that is small contact me again.