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My Gold fish

23 13:55:48

I have two gold fish, and also some questions.
How do tell what sex they are, How big will they get, How long will they live with proper care, and what type of water do they need?

Hi Allie;

It is difficult to sex goldfish unless they are mature and actually ready to breed. Here is a web page that has a few suggestions on what to look for, with photos;

Goldfish grow to be very large, over 6 inches long each. They live to be ten years or older with good care. Each goldfish needs a minimum of ten gallons per fish. They just need regular tap water with a water conditioner added. No other chemicals are necessary. I wouldn't keep two goldfish in anything smaller than a 30 gallon. They are very messy guys so they need good filtration too. A "hang on the back" power filter or a canister filter is perfect for them. Change 25% of the tank water once a week every week. Here is a good web page with more details about them;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins