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African Cichlid Aggression

23 14:01:27

I started an African Cichlid tank (50 gal) about 4 months ago with 1 male Cobalt
Zebra and 2 females which were all about 1.5".  The male was ultra aggressive
and killed both within the first month. He's been on his own ever since and is
now almost 3". Should I even bother putting in any other fish or will history
repeat itself?

Hi Christina,
  An important component of the answer depends on how much "structure" you have in the tank.  If you have very little structure (plants, wood, rock, etc), then the single fish will try to monopolize the whole thing. If you have more structure, then he will try to hold onto only one section of it, leaving areas (and hiding spots) for other fish.  When I mean a lot of structure, I mean that a tank with a lot of structure you cannot see the back of the tank from the front.

-- Ron
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