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Blood parrot with a white patch that i dont think is HITH. and my oscar is being diffclut

23 12:02:20

Hi, i have a blood parrot who i call jaws due to his bad temper. he does nothing more than eat all day and chase all the other fish in the tank around, even the oscars. I have a totall of 4 oscars all an inch in lenght, and 2 blood parrots about the same size of the oscars just fatter and a bottom feeder. I orginally started with only one oscar whome i call pink, since hes sweet and shy, and the blood parrot jaws. i had to seperate them since jaws kept forcing pink into a corner of the tank and wouldt let him eat. so to level it out a bit, i bought 3 more oscars, flame, bashful, and skinny, another blood parrot called patience and the bottom feeder mop. i inrtoduced them to their new tank and after everyone was settled, i put jaws back into the tank, he did his thing and chased everyone especially picking on skinny since he was the smallest, i had to inturn move skinny out into another tank and now he is refusing to eat and only lays at the bottom of the tank, and im afraid he wont make it but my hopes are high.

Anyways, as i said jaws in a mean little guy, but recently one of my oscars, bashful, has been fighting back. i was observing them today while they were eating and jaws seemed fine all yellow and bright and ready to kill with not a mark on him. i turned around for no more than 5 seconds to see something at the door, and when i looked back at the tank, jaws was sminning around franticly rubbing his right side on everything he could as if he was trying to get something off himself, then i saw this big white spot that seems a little swollen and has a little red around it, im rulling out hole in the head since it only took 5 seconds for it to appear. what i think happened is that in the course of feeding and while i wasnt looking, jaws got a little to close to bashfulls fill and got nipped, thus the bruze. Jaws seems fine and is still chasing everyone around the tank he is eating normally and doesnt act like the spot is causing any pain. but i am still very worried.

Do you think it is indeed a bite mark from his only rival bashful? or is it something else, if it is indeed a wound. how can i help him heal better and stop the wound from getting infected. do you think i should take jaws out of the tank again and let him chill out on his own for a few days or what?

i would appriciate any feed back at all and i apologize for the overly long message, i just wanted to give you a breife look into jaws's personality.

the last paragrapgh is about skinny, the albino oscar that i mentioned jaws wouldnt leave alone. skinny is the smalles and thinest oscar i have ever seen. when i intorduced him to the new tank, he was ok for the first 10 minutes than jaws found him and started to terrorize him. i moved him immidiatley because i dont want what happened to pink to happen to him since he is also so small, i dont think hes even an inch long yet. since hes been in his new tank. he only moves around the bottom of the tank and only every hour or so. he doesnt even move for food, however when im out of sight, i notice that the food does dissapear. hes just so inactive, any ideas? he doesnt seem to have any bruzes or infections, hes breathing isnt laboured, he just doesnt move. i keep the water temp constant and the feeding regular. i dont know what to do, please help.

i thank you in advance for any feed back you may give me.

A very worried fish owner,

Hi Bug,
 I think the white spot is a bite mark.  If the fish is left alone, it will heal.

 Do you realize that an adult oscar is 12 to 16 inches in length?    An adult blood parrot is about 8 inches in length.  I hope you have a large tank....

-- Ron
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