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Tall or Long Tank for Oscars?? Or fish similar to Oscars

23 14:14:16

Hi Ron,

I would love to have an oscar (and 1 pictus possible 2 catfish--my friend is was one they no longer want I am taking) housed together, and because of limited space and easy water changes the tank needs to fit in a smallish space. I would be able to do 24in long, 12in (possible 14)depth...but the height can be 36in..Which I believe would be about 60 gals.

If this would not work is there any similar fish (one with personality) you can think of for the space? What filter brand do you suggest?


Hi Jane,
  Unfortunately I do NOT recommend putting an oscar in a tall tank like that.  In fact, I don't recommend tall takes in general.  The trouble with tall tanks is that most fishes don't really appreciate the height, rather they appreciate the length and width (i.e., the amount of bottom space).  So even though a tank 36 high and 24x12 on the bottom is the same volume as a tank that is 36 long, 12 wide and 24 high, your oscar won't think it is the same.  In fact, 36 long, 24 wide and 12 high would be the best of the three.  

  In addition, maintenance on tall takes is a bear.  You can't reach the bottom easily without pretty much diving in, and particularly with an oscar, you need to be able to siphon the bottom using a gravel siphon easily and on a very regular (weekly basis) to keep the fish happy and healthy.  

 Finally, tall tanks are not nearly as stable as low wide tanks (if earthquakes or young children are at all an issue).  

-- Ron
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