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my red devil

23 11:55:42

i have had my red devil for about 7 years now, and he has died just yesterday. He wasnt his usual self, usually he follows us around the tank, but a few days ago he would just swim away. He also wasnt eating, and when he did eat he vomited it back up, could you please tell me what caused his death?

Hi Lucy,
I'm sorry for your loss.  It could be many things.  Did you notice if his tummy was swollen?  It could be that he hadn't wasted for a while...this happens to fish.  They can get constipated.  If unnoticed, constipation leads to Swim Bladder Disease.  This disease if caught in time is curable, but in the last stages, it is very hard to cure. We usually notice this when it is too late, which is why feeding fish unfrozen peas with the first layer taken off, once a week is good.  It could also be something internal, and to really know what it could be, we would have to dissect the fish.  It could also be that his time was up.  He had a nice life, 7 years is good.  I know how attached you must have been to your pet, and I'm sorry he is gone.  The only consolation I can give you, is that not many fish live for 7 years, so know that you took good care of him.