Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > 9yr old goldfish/Comet?

9yr old goldfish/Comet?

23 12:01:18

Someone had noticed recently that my very large goldfish/comet(he was a feeder fish) looked bloated...guess i just thought he was growing...he's 13 inches from tip of nose to tail, and about 5-6 inches width.  But i noticed some white, small bumps like smooth warts on his head, then noticed his body is bloated and his scales are sticking out. I felt him and they are rough and sticking out from his body.  What is your best advice?
Thank you!

Hi Susan;

Poor guy. Bloating with distended scales usually indicates fluid buildup from kidney failure. I think the only hope for him is a fish veterinarian. Once a large fish gets that sick and depending on what's wrong, treatment isn't usually effective. I wish I could help more. It's just beyond what we can do on the internet...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins