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power filter

23 11:37:50

Hi Lunda, Hope you are well.
I've got a much simpler question this time.  Do you recommend any special kind of filter for my girl bettas tank? it's a 5 gallon, with hiding places and silk plants,Her tank came with an aqua tech power filter, which is pretty powerful, I have started cutting it off at night because it gives her so much excercise!  She's pretty spry on her own already...I have a whisper microfilter on hand, but decided that I don't really like the in-tank filter because my male betta used to rub on his and get "vibed", and I don't know if that's actually good for them. He ended up with a tumor later, I don't know if it's related or not. Do you know of any filter besides the whisper that is not in tank and comes with a less powerful flow? or a switch to make the flow less?

Hi Liane,
Bettas do not like filters.  I keep mine in 5 gallon tanks, but change the water completely every week.  When using a filter, you must make sure that the water will cycle, which means that you will eventually end up with no ammonia, no nitrites, and nitrates should be low.  To get to this stage, you must do water changes very often.  Remove 10% of the water everyday, until your water chemistry is right.  Once your water chemistry is perfect, you must do water changes of 25% every week.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish, so it is best to check this very often.  You can buy these small test kits at your Pet Store, and Walmart.
The only small filter I know of is the Mini AquaClear filter.  If you do buy this filter, buy a used sponge to fit your filter.  A used sponge is full of good bacteria, and will help cycle your water.  When you clean your filter, never rinse the sponge under tap water.  Rinse in in water that you have removed from the tank.  This way you are sure that you don't kill any good bacteria in your sponge.
I hope this helps.