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Lumps on Catfish

23 11:50:51


Plco Lump
Hello Will, I have a large pleco that has stopped eating and has developed a lump on his back see photo. The lump first appeared after the bacteria failed in the filter after it was cleaned and nitite went high for about 3 days before I realised the situation. He was not in good shape and did not eat well for several weeks and has stopped eating altogether in the last 4 weeks. He is quarantined in a 75 litre tank. I have tried salt, pimafix and sulpha drugs but with no luck. There are smaller lumps similar to the photo spreading on his other side also. He is 8 years old. Any help you could offer would be much appreciated. James

Hi James,
I'm not sure. I think it may be a tumor because what you have done should have killed the virus it could be.

p.s. try asking another expert as i don't know, i can't find it in my disease book and maybe someone else could help you better. Sorry.