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About my Damsels

23 14:03:22

I had just recently bought a 45 gallon Salt water tank.. I started off with three damsels a yellow tail, A 3 striped and a black spot one.. The spotted one always is chasing the other two around when I feed them.  he also shakes his tail at my bottom feeder and my other two fish.  I got a larger clown fish     hoping it would make him stop but he continues to keep doing the same thing but not to the clown fish.  I was wondering if u had any suggestions? It would be a big help thanks

Nancy,                                                                  Damsels are a great starter fish , but notoriously aggressive. Actually your clown is in the same family. I had the same prob when I set up my first salt tank they tried to beat my scooter blennies to death with their tails. Personally I would take them back to the store and stick with clowns and maybe a tang and a porcupine puffer would be better. The puff you will love lots of personality. You could also add a couple more clowns they come in a few colors like black and yellow. You really don't have enough swim space for butterflys or more than one tang. I have had my puff for about 6 yrs now.... when he is hungry he picks up the puca shell on the bottom and spits it at the glass.Good Luck, Tina