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stomach bloated

23 15:11:35

Hello again,
Thanks for the reply on the UFO's (Planaria) in my tank. Next of our (6) Tiger Barb's has died and it had a bloated stomach.
~ 10 gallon, 2 year tank
~ 5 - barb's, 2 - nickle sized flat silver fish(?), 2 - 2" yellow snails
~ pump with gravel bag, sponge, & hair
~ water is good
I saw something on this when I was looking for other info so I passed over it but now I need to know and can't locate. These guys have been with us for about 2 years now and we keep an eye on the PH, etc. We feed them once a day and do the usual 35% water change about every 3 weeks. Could you also give me a good web sites for fish info?
Thanks were so helpful before.

Hi Odile;

I am glad to have been able to help you.....

Sometimes fish get sick and die from organ failure. This can cause bloating like your fish had. Unless any of the others get sick too I wouldn't worry. It was probably just an individual thing.

Here are some of my favorite sites for fish species and other info;

Have fun!

Followups welcome.....
Chris Robbins