Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > lump?


23 14:01:26

Hi jack

i want to no whats happend to my fish.  My fish has a white lump with black spots. Any chance u no ?

thanks Hannah

hey Hannah

It sounds like a type of fungus.

Fish fungus is caused by fungus species such as Saprolegnia. Fungus spores are present in all freshwater aquaria. A disease outbreak is usually a secondary infection of an area of the fish's skin or gill barrier which has been damaged. A Saprolegnia growth looks like cotton wool. It is essential to prevent the fungus spreading deep into the tissue or over the gills. Livebearers are particularly susceptible to fungal problems which can usually be prevented by adding 0.1% (1 gm per litre) of aquarium salt to the tank.

Fungus Treatment

Treatments (such as Interpet's Anti Fungus and Bacteria No.8) stops the fungus spreading and destroys it. The medicine remains active for several days to ensure full healing occurs

Hope this helps     Jack