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Going out of town for 3 days. How to take care of fish?

23 14:01:26

I will be out of town for 3 complete days. I was wondering what can I do to keep my fish alive. I will do the following before leaving.
1. Feed them properly.
2. Change water.

What else can I do? I do not have anyone who can feed them when I am gone. I have read that automatic feeders are not safe as they may discharge more food than required.

Should I put in an algae tablet? I have 3 red-eye tetras, 3 mollies and 1 platy in a 10 gallon tank. Have it running for almost 2 months now. Thank you.

You don't have to do anything. Not one thing. They will be fine.

Fish can live off their fatty acids for up to 2 weeks (although it isn't healthy to go THAT long). It is actually beneficial to not be fed for three days. It helps clear out there system. I believe all fish should go through a 3 or 4 day fast every month.

No water changes are needed either, maybe do one before you leave and thats it.
