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Female Guppy chased

23 14:11:03

Hi.  I am new to have fish as pets, and have some limited success with my tanks so far.  I have a 10 gallon and a 5 gallon tank set up.  I purchased 6 "Male" guppies from Petsmart about 10 days ago, and lo and behold, I now have 6 babies.  I have seperated the adults into the 10 gallon tank with about 5 Neons I have, and they seem to be doing well.  the babies are in my 5 gallon tank and are eating away with just flakes.
Here is my problem.  My males guppies will not leave my female alone.  It is 5 to 1.  I have put her in a breeding net just to give her some peace.  What do I do now?  She had the babies about 5 days ago, but she is still really big and the spot next to her vent is black. I am afraid if I put her back in with the boys they will chase her to death.  Do I need another tank?

You female guppy is going to have more babies. The large belly and black vent is a surefire way to tell. You will just need to return her. It is honestly better to have just all male guppies, or all females, otherwise your females will never get peace as the males will always chase them around. It is also very unnatural for a female to be surrounded by males, since in the wild they live in shoals - which is about ten females to one male. You can tell if a guppy is male or female by looking at their bottom, or anal, fins. Males will have long skinny anal fins, while females will have broad, triangular anal fins.