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HELP!!!! Betta Fish on side

23 15:08:35

 I just got a male Betta fish 2 1/2 weeks ago... his name is Fish! :o)  He's in a gallon vase with a peace lily up top.  I just cleaned the vase tonight (for the second time) with Poland Spring water and added "Splendid Betta Water Conditioner."  When I put him back in he was fine at first but then kept sinking to the bottom, trying to nestle himself into the marbles at the bottom.  Once he'd get very still and situated he would start to tip over.  I'd never seen him do this before and it really concerned me!!  I left an inch of space between the peace lily and the water, and then removed the peace lily upon noticing his strange behavior.  He seems to be feeling a lot better now!  Did I not leave him enough air?  Was it stress?  I don't have a heater, and the water was room temperature but I noticed it to be a bit on the cooler side.    Do I need to heat his water somehow?  Thanks so much  for your consideration!!!  I've already grown attached to my Fish!  He's so beautiful and friendly!! HELP!!


Hi Tricia;

The water was probably too cool and it shocked him. Be sure his new water is the same temperature as his old water when you change it. He needs to be kept very warm too. Put him in the warmest place in your house. If you have to, put a lamp next to his vase so the heat warms his water up that way too. They like to be at 78 to 82 degrees.

I'm glad your little friend is okay now. Many bettas don't live past a few days or weeks because their new owners aren't told bettas are tropical fish. They can't breed successfully unless the temperature is over 80. When we see them in fish stores the room teperature is usually pretty high. We take them home and they get too cool and get sick.

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Chris Robbins

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