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Male Betta sick swollen body

23 14:49:26

Hello, I have a Male Betta about 2 months old and he looks totally fine until two days ago. His body looks like his stomach got swollen twic bigger than usual. Now he looks like those fat golden fish in the Pet shop. Do you think he got infection of the water because 5 days ago, we accidently put too much food into his fish tank and we did not clear it up. Now I have change the water and dip him into the FORMALIN.3 Treatment and Dip for 50mins for 1 hour. Do you think it will work. Please teach me what to do and do you think he will get better. Thank you so much

Hi Mary;

He's probably constipated from overeating. Don't feed him any food at all for two days and then try feeding little tiny bits of cooked peas. The peas act as a laxative. I use frozen ones, let them thaw and peel the skin off. Break off tiny bits with your fingernails or with a toothpick. Most bettas like it.

You can also do an epsom salt bath. Epsom salt is a laxative. Not regular salt. It isn't the same. You need the stuff from the drugstore that people put in water and soak their feet in. Here is a link about it;

I hope he feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins