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freshwater snowflake eel

23 15:11:27

I have a 55gal tank with 25 fish and a snowflake moray eel.penguin 330 filter,mostly cichlids.I've had the setup for 1 1/2 months.I 'm not sure if the eel has been eating , he started acting very weak so i put him in a seperate tank by himself ,I also got some garlic gaurd and soaked his food(brine shrimp) in it .Is it normal for them to lay at the bottom of the tank? Also is there anything else i can do to try to make him better?

Hi Lisa;

I really don't know much about moray eels. I do know that your tank is still in the break-in period and you have quite a lot of fish in there. He was probably affected by the elevated toxins associated with it. Make some water changes to lower them and he may perk up a bit. I have read that most morays are not true freshwater, requiring some aquarium salt in their water. You might add some to help him, probably 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. If the fish store had it in his water while he lived there, he would be stressed from missing it in his new tank.

Here is a message board with some pics and good info on different morays. Perhaps they can help you further;

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Chris Robbins