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Fish- Bettas Health

23 11:44:12

QUESTION: I brought my Betta a few months ago and I'm not sure if it's healthy or not. It just seems to float near the top of the water and not eat much. Also, the tips of it's fins are white and the fins itself are red and a bit jagged. I've been watching it closely and it sometimes flares up by itself! It doesn't have a bloated stomach though.
Thanks for taking time to answer!

ANSWER: Hi Jasmine,
A betta that does not eat is sick.  White tips is the beginning of fungus.  You must treat him with "Tetracycline"  Keep his water very clean, change all of his water with a good conditioner once a week, or if he is in a small tank, twice a week.  Poor water conditions, and lack of vitamins is almost always the reason why a betta gets sick.  Vary his food, and be careful not to overfeed.  Feed him Betta Pellets one day, flakes the next, bloodworms the next plankton flakes the next, mealworms, glassworms, and daphnia.  Give him one frozen cooked pea a week cut into little pieces with the outer layer removed once a week.  On the day you feed him the pea, do not feed him anything else so that he can clean out his system.  Feed him twice a day...example:  2 pellets for one meal.
Bettas do flare.  They do this when they are stressed, or see another betta, in defense, or when startled.
I hope the little man gets better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, it's me again!
Thanks again and I will do everything you advised.
I was wondering, how do you cook the pea? Do you heat it in the microwave or something? Also, how do you tell a betta's age? I've attached an image, maybe that will help! My Betta goes to the bathroom almost everyday.
Thanks in advance!

Hi Jasmine,
You are very welcome..
Cook the pea in water, for about 3-4 minutes, then remove the outer layer, cut the pea in tiny pieces, and feed the pea to your betta one piece at a time.  Pass the pea under cool water.
Buy the medication quickly as fungus can grow very quickly on Bettas.
I do not know your Betta's age, this is something impossible to tell, unless they are very young.
He looks very chubby to me on this picture, so be careful not to overfeed him.
He is a very pretty betta!  