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help with puffer

23 14:11:30

i bought a figure 8 puffer to put in my tank with another puffer and
my scats, he got stuck on the filter, i unstuck him, however since he i
lying on his back but is still breathing, all my other fish are fine
and my water levels are fine the lady at the pet store couldn't give me
any information. His fins are moving and he tries to swim he just ends
up on his back again. I put in stress coat and i am not sure what
medication i can put in with him and my other fish in a brackish aquarium
since i don't have a sick tank.    please help asap

Hi Brandi,
  Fish don't just get stuck on the filter.  They end up stuck on the filter because they are seriously ill and can't swim well enough and eventually they end up on the filter. So, the filter isn't the problem.

 First, it is very likely that the other puffer attacked him.  Puffers are not social animals and generally like to be alone. In fact, they typically kill all the other animals in the tank.  It may not be today or tommorrow but eventually it happens.  

 I think you need to find a way to isolate that puffer if it is to survive.

-- Ron
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