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Traumatized Beta

23 14:02:52

My friend's Beta worked its way under the plate in the bottom of the tank and was sucked up the filter tube and stuck mid-way.  She didn't notice until he had been in the tube for awhile.  She tapped the tube on the bottom of the tank and the fish shot out to freedom.  His gills were still moving, and he has been floating in the same place in the bottom of the tank for about 16 hours.  He's not moving or eating.  Is there anything we can do for it?  I'm guessing it is traumatized, in shock, and short on oxygen.
Thank you for your help!

Hi Cindy,
 Time will tell. The fish is definitely traumatized and anything you do will add to the trauma.  I would leave it alone and hopefully it will recover.

-- Ron
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