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Exploded stomach??? Cancer???? Help me ???

23 12:01:08


beta stomach problems
We keep our beta in a 1/2 a gallon tank.  We do not check the temperature (but live in Fl so it is warm), we do not check the pH or anything like that.  We change the tank once a week, feed him twice a day (about 4 blood worms).  I did notice yesterday a fly flew into the tank but we got it immediately out of the tank.  Please help me . . . He is still eating.  If he is dying should I euthanize him???   If so what would be the best way???

Do you mean there is a hole in is stomach?  I don't quite understand your question, although I see that he has a swollen tummy on the picture.  
He could be suffering from constipation, which leads to Swim Bladder disease.  Feeding your betta only bloodworms is not the right way to feed a betta.  He should be given Betta Pellets one day, Betta Flakes the next, and Daphnia the next day, alternating each day.  He should have bloodworms once a week as a treat, and he should also fast one day a week.  On the day that he fasts, he should have a well cooked frozen pea cooked until tender, first layer removed, cut into tiny pieces, and served one piece at a time to your Betta.
I have to mention that 1/2 gallon tank is much too small for a betta.  I know they tell you that Bettas can live in little water, they do, but their life is cut short, and they are miserable.  In their habitat, the water is shallow, but they have lots of rooms to swim.  I know this is not your fault, as I know only too well what they will say, to try to sell anything, and everything!  The Betta is one of the most mistreated fish on the market.  His water should always be the same temperature, as fluctuating water will make him sick.  His water should always be clean, and seeing as he is in a 1/2 gallon tank, his water should be changed 2-3 times a week.  The best size tank for the betta is a 5 gallon tank...or at least 2 1/2  gallons.
You could try to give him the pea treatment, and letting him fast for a day or two...but from what I see on the picture, I hate to say this, but he might not make it.  He needs antibiotics, and unfortunately the antibiotics they sell which are good for Swim Bladder Disease are calculated for 5 gallon tanks, it is impossible to treat a 1/2 gallon tank for this disease.
I think that he may have dropsy too, and this disease is incurable.
The only thing really that you can do for him now, is treat him with kindness.  I'm so sorry, but know this is not your fault, but the fault of many who are there to sell their product.  They don't care as long as they sell, and this is very sad, and cruel.
I wish I could say that he has a chance, but I doubt it.  If you see that he is suffering, here is a link that you might want to follow:
"What is the Most Humane Way to Euthanize a Fish?"  You may have to google it.
The way I do it is put about one cup of aquarium water and the fish in a plastic bag.  I make sure he has air to breathe, then I put him in the freezer.  When they are really sick, death is fast, but you may want to follow what is recommended in the article.
I'm so sorry