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Betta behavior, eating habits, etc.

23 15:06:31


I purchased a male betta about a month ago.  I chose this type of fish because friends & family members have had them before, and attested to their long life, relative hardiness, and ease of care.

I have been keeping the betta in a typical fishbowl (maybe 1 gallon?) with room temperature tap water.  I also have been adding a few drops of some sort of betta water treatment solution.

Last week, the fish stopped eating entirely and stayed in one corner of the bowl for 4-5 days.  I then changed the water (which had been changed about 1 week beforehand) and took out the rocks & fake plant that had been in there.

Now the fish is swimming around and eating like normal, but he puffs up (as bettas will) whenever I feed him, and sometimes when I just get near the bowl!

So, my questions are:

-Have I been doing something wrong in my maintenance of the fishbowl?  

-What sort of eating habits does a betta normally have?  Mine also seems to have some trouble fitting the food pellets into his mouth.

-Is it normal for the betta to become agressive/threatened by something that isn't another betta?

I'm a college student living on my own, so this litte guy is my only company.  I don't want to become a fish killer!  --But I also don't want a high-maintenance fish... if I were willing to put a lot of time/work/money into a pet, I'd get a dog.  :)

Thanks so much for your help.

Hi Emily;

He may be having trouble digesting his food if the room is cooler than 75 degrees. Bettas are tropical, so they need 75 to 85 all the time in order for their bodies to function properly. If you put a light on him it will warm his water and help quite a bit. Keep it on 24 hours a day so it stays warm all the time. Change his water at least once a week. Be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water and use a water conditioner.

If he is having trouble getting the food pellets in his mouth you might have to crush them a bit more or get one that has tinier chunks. Feed him 2 to 4 chunks per day. He could get constipated if he is fed more than that.

And yep, it is perfectly normal for a healthy young betta male to 'flare' at anything that moves. Breeding, eating and defending territory is what they live for. They especially like bright colors and even mirror images of themselves. He's a sassy little fella!

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