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Jack Dempsey possibly dying or giving birth?

23 14:25:11

We were away over the weekend, Tuesday afternoon we found one of our Jack Dempseys laying on it's side in the corner of the tank.  We thought the water level was too low in the tank and it may be dying.  We opted to leave it till Wednesday morning to see if it survived or not.  Wednesday it began swimming around again and seemed as if it were getting better.  Today, Thursday we find it on the opposite side of the tank, laying on a rock on it's side again.  It's stomach is bloated and it seems as if there is something coming out of it.  It is still chasing it's partner around the tank and then will take 20-30 minute breaks and just lay there.  What is wtong here?

Hi Melissa,
 It is definitely not giving birth. Jack Dempseys are egg layers not livebearers.  Unfortunately, it sounds like a very sick fish.  

-- Ron
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