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My Betta is swollen!!!!!!

23 14:25:02

I have had Jerry my Beta for 2 months now. I have been away for a month and my dad has been taking care of him. Now when I came back hes all swollen under the small fins. He lies at the bottom of the tank in the corner. he usually swims actively around and plays around and I usually get to pet him once and awhile. I cleaned his tank but he acts the same! I would understand if he was not swollen and acting like that because he was old but I don't get it! If it helps I got him in New Jersey at Seaside (the board walk) Please help I'm afraid he might die!!! I love him! Hes my baby!!!

Hi Briana,
 Keep cleaning his tank regularly (at least once a week) and that may help perk him up.  It is possible that he has some sort of intestinal infection.  Unfortunately those are really, really hard to treat.

 Be very sure that no uneaten food is accumulating in the tank.

-- Ron
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