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My Chichlids Behavior

23 15:08:50

Hi Ron, I was wondering if you could help me identify what's up with my red zebra chiclid...although it looks very much like an exotic goldfish.  There are two other chiclids in the 20 gallon tank.  They are much smaller and the red zebra has clearly become the dominate one. It's mouth is looking like it's "chattering" (this is constant) and his body periodically shivers.  It has also had a very different swimming pattern, not at all rushing to the top of the tank when I approach. It's for the most part keeping to itself.  At first I though it could be a "she" and was probably pregnant or attempting to breed but this chattering of its mouth concerns me. I checked the ph,nitrite, ammonia, and nitrate levels and the only one that came out high was nitrite...I added a nitrite remover. I've had them for about 1 month now and they are starting to grow...Please help.

Hi Daniel,
 It could be mouthbrooding.  Red zebras are mouthbrooders meaning that they carry the eggs in the mouth (of the female). Look closely and see if you see anything in the mouth.  The chin might be distended downward as well.  If it has eggs or fry, a mouthbrooder often appears to "mumble": what it is doing is moving the eggs around in its mouth to keep them oxygenated.

 It will not eat if it is mouthbrooding and this may last for 3 weeks or so.

-- Ron
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