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Betta cannot eat

23 11:44:48

I have a Betta, 2.5 gal tank, 80 degree clean water, a castle to hide in, a plastic plant to lay in, black gravel, meduim light on a 9 hour timer. The tank has a 2 step filter but I also clean the bowl frequently b/c of green algea. I have had him a few months and he is big so I think he was an adult when I got him so I don't know his age. About a month ago he had Ick but I treated him religiously and he got better, even blew a bubble nest last week! Was concerned that he still had the "Ich Crazies" where he zoomed around the tank and ran into things, but no more spots and was eating well.
Over the past week, he seems lethargic. Sometimes he lays on the bottom and just drifts. Does this laying on the fake plant or even in the middle of the tank. I know they are mellow fish, but letting the water drift him around looks like he is almost dead, then he will zoom zoom around, sometimes slamming face first into the gravel...odd behavoir but I figured if he was eating and did not get worse he was okay.
Today, he cannot eat his food. I feed him Top Fim Betta Bits, small pellets that he has always loved and eaten easily.The float on the top forever and get softer after a while so he used to wait for them to get softer sometimes. I feed him about 3 pellets every morning and he eats them all and there is no sign of waste itn the tank when I clean it. Today, he cannot eat them. Not won't, but can't. He tries but its like his mouth will not work. I tried some bloodworms since they are smaller but he cannot eat them either. Right now he is hanging out at the top. He is a dark blue fish and the front half of his body looks black, but it always has since I got him. He has skim problems at the top of his back too, like he is all beat up but he is alone in the tank. His lips might be a little swollen, it is hard to tell, but I see no film or white stuff or anything. My concern is that he will starve! And I am wondering now about the listlessness. Is he just getting old or is he sick? I have read a lot on the internet already but he doesnt fit Popeye, Ich, heavy bowels, none of that. Is he sick or getting old? I feel so sorry for him! Please help if you can. My husband and I are dead broke, we are both unemployed and have been for over a year. My unemployment ran out this month so even buying food is hard and I cannot afford  a lot of medicine and diet changes. I woudl hate to have him die (animals are liek peopel tome) but honestly, I have 8.27 in the bank right now. Thank you! PS even his fins look raggy.I have sent a photo, hope that helps.It is hard to get a photo of him, but you can see the shape of his mouth at least.


ANSWER: Hello,
Your pet as Swim Bladder Disease, and parasites.   Swim Bladder is caused by poor diet, and overfeeding, which leads to constipation, and then Swim Bladder.  When a fish is weakened by a disease, they often get parasites.  Ragged fins indicate parasites.  Since he is not eating, you will have to treat him with an antibiotic.  "Kanamycin" is very good for Swim Bladder, but hard to find.  Tetracycline, and Furan 2 have proven to be good medication also.  Coppersafe should also be used in combination with the antibiotic.   If left untreated, it will lead to Dropsy to which there is no cure.
Bettas are prone to constipation which is why they should have one cooked frozen pea a week with the first layer removed, and cut into tiny pieces.  You feed your betta one piece at a time, making sure he eats it.  On the day you feed him the pea, feed him nothing else.  This way he cleans out his system which is so important for the betta, and many other fish.  
He is too advanced now, his tummy is swollen, and he is refusing to eat.  Your only hope of saving him is with the antibiotics mentioned above, and Coppersafe.  Time isn't on your side, so you must act quickly if you want to try and save him.  
I know how hard it is to see a pet suffer, and I also understand your position.  If you feel that it is too late for your friend, then it would be wise to put him to sleep.  You can feel these things.  I know it is hard, but sometimes the medication does not work if the Betta has been left too long without treatment.  If you think this is the case, then put him to sleep with clove oil.  You will find all the information you need on the web, as it would be too long for me to explain this to you here.  Clove oil is the best way to put him at rest.  He will feel no pain.  
If you think he has a chance, then do a complete water change, and add the medication.  Be careful not to overdose.
My heart goes out to you, as I know how difficult your situation is, but sometimes, it is better to say goodbye, and let him go to the big aquarium in the sky.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Lynda,
Thank you for your advice and your kindness. So many people make fun of me because I care so much for my animals, even my  fish, but you seem to really have a heart for the little ones like I do.
My husband took care of the fish and disposed of the tank and all for me.When we got out the florescent mag light and really looked at him, he was in worse shape than we thought and after it was all over my husband said we did the right thing, that he was losing scales, was bloated, had food stuck in his gills and his mouth was really swollen and had food in it too. He said she had slimy black stuff on him too and that he did not even put up a fight. I keep telling myself this was the best thing, but I am the kind of person who will go down with the ship when it comes to my animals. I guess this is my drawn out way of saying thank you for giving me permission to do what i already knew in my heart had to be done. Thank you again for your sound advice and kind words. No more fish for me for a while. Interestingly, I have had many Bettas and never had one get sick. My husband has dealt with saltwater tanks for decades and NEVER had  sick fish, yet since we moved here to NC, his saltwater fish were so sick all the time we took down the tank, and now this with the Betta. I wonder if it is the water? You don't need to answer, I just wanted to say thank you so very much! Diana

ANSWER: Hi Diana,
You are very welcome.  I know where your coming from.  I get so attached to fish, and the betta is so intelligent.  We get attached to this little fish the minute we take him home.  You did the right thing.  He was far gone, and losing his scales tells me that he already had dropsy, and this disease is incurable.  Experts cannot agree on what causes this horrible disease.  Swim Bladder Disease leads to Dropsy, but so does bacterial infection.  
I would have my tap water checked.  It isn't normal to lose fish like your hubby did.  It is possible that there is some chemical in your tap water.  I have heard of this before.  
Also, when fish lose scales, it can be caused by ammonia.  Ammonia burns the skin on fish, so maybe your tap water is to blame.  Bettas have tiny tummys the size of their eye.  We always have to be careful when feeding them.  It is better to feed them twice a day in small amounts.  Two pellets for one meal is an example.  When a Betta gets constipated, it often goes unnoticed until it is too late.  You know, it just makes me so sad to see these poor fish in small containers at the pet store.  It just breaks my heart.  Vendors don't care, they are there to sell, and never give good information on the Betta.  He is one of the most mistreated fish on the market.  All the gadgets they sell, it is just unbelievable!  I know you took good care of your little pet, and once again, I want to tell you that you did the right thing.  God Bless your heart.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Lynda, you  are so kind with your words. I was really okay until I got up this morning and there was no one to feed. And he was right by my computer and it is lonely here now. You are right, they really are smart and good companions, for fish. I had goldfish before but gave them to a friend, they were not very friendly, ran mostly on instinct.
I agree completely with you about how terrible it is that EVERYONE thinks a Betta is happy in a small space and then say "they live in rice patties" makes me want to scream and I get so sad when I see them in a tiny bowl. I even thought my 2.5 gal was way too small but that was the best I could do and buy the proper lighting as so forth. We had to toss the whole tank, it got a crack in it, so if I were to get another set up, since we are BROKE right now, what would you recommend the smallest or least expensive set up would be? Tell me straight up and if it too much right now I will just wait, I would never create an inappropriate home for an animal. Speaking of which I need to get my cat to the vet for her check-up...hence the lack of immediate funds for the new fish.
Thanks again and I can wait for your answer, I have way over stepped my bounds with you already with all the follow-ups, I will leave you alone. Thank you! Diana
I am already thinking about getting another one, even though I said I would not. My sister told me that at Walmart you can get distilled water from a machine very inexpensively so i could use that instead. My only question would be, how small a

Hi Diana,
I always have time for someone who likes fish, and want to do what is best for them.  Never hesitate to write me.
A betta should have a 5 gallon tank, or bigger, but 5 gallons is perfect when kept alone.  I think that glass tanks are best.  I know that Zellers sell them here, and Walmart.  They are cheaper there, and are just as good as the one you buy in a pet store.  You already have a heater, but remember this...when we buy bettas from the pet store they are usually in little containers.. fill your tank with the same water temperature as he comes in.  Heat your water one degree every two days, as bringing up the temperature too fast would be deadly.  Have your tap water checked, ask your pet store about it, and if it is safe, use tap water.  Tap water has all the minerals fish need, that bottled water does not have.  It is always best to use tap water, and a good conditioner such as Stress Coat. The conditioner will last you a long time.  You do not need a filter, Bettas do best without filters as long as you change all of his water once a week.  Bettas also prefer the light of day, so you do not have to light up his tank.  You should also add one teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt to his water.  You can also find this at Walmart.  Aquarium salt is good for stress, and parasites.  Vary his food.  This is also very important.  You can buy his food slowly, no need to rush out, and buy it all at once.  He should have Betta pellets, Betta flakes, Daphnia, Glassworms, Bloodworms, mealworms, Plankton flakes.  The more you vary, the healthier he will be.  Buy him different kinds when you can, and feed him twice a day in small amounts.  Two pellets for one meal is an example.  Give him one pea a week so that he can clean out his system.
I get carried away, give more information than I should, but sometimes it helps.
I do hope you get another betta soon, like cats, they are hard to live without.  I just went to the vets with my cat, and she is not doing well, so hoping she will pull through with everything he gave her.  My paycheck flew out the window.  I rescued her about 7 years ago.  A car in front of me just through her out the window on a busy highway, so hey...I slammed on the brakes, and the poor thing only weighed 1 pound, brought her to the vets, and love her to pieces.  I've had pets all my life, and mostly all of them were rescued...they find me, no kidding!
Have a nice evening.